July 6, 2010                                                                                  Twenty-Seventh Day                                                                                                         

The Worth County Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment with all members present.          


Motion by May, second by Creger, carried to approve the June 28, 2010 board minutes.


Motion by Creger, second by May, carried to appoint Rich Brumm as County Engineer and Jim Hyde as Assistant Engineer.


Motion by May, second by Creger, carried to approve the claim to Allied Manatts Group-roads/eng-$160,644.82.


Motion by Creger, second by May, carried to adopt a resolution that Rich Brumm is hereby authorized and empowered on behalf of the Worth County Supervisors to execute the certification of completion of work and final acceptance with plans and specifications therefore in connection with all Farm to Market construction projects in the county, adopt a resolution to comply with provisions of the 1970 Uniform Relocation Assistance and Land Acquisition Polices Act as amended by Title IV of the Surface Transportation and Uniform Relocation Assistance Act of 1987; that in accordance with County engineer recommendation, that for secondary road projects, ROW payments be 3 ½ times the 100% valuations, fence removed by $18.00/rod for barbed-wire and $32.00/rod for woven wire, and crop damage to be $700.00/acre for corn and $600/acre for all other crops.


Motion by May, second by Creger, carried to accept the petition for repair in DD7/Main submitted by Eliot Evans.  The board instructed Rich to investigate and present a report.


Motion by Creger, second by May, carried to approve the claim to Marsh, USA-ins/eng-$750.00.


Motion by May, second by Creger, carried to approve Resolution #07-06-10.  WHEREAS, IT IS DESIRED TO MAKE APPROPRIATIONS FOR EACH OF THE DIFFERENT OFFICERS AND DEPARTMENTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING July 2010, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 331.434, Subsection 6, Code of Iowa,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Worth County, Iowa, as follows:

SECTION 1. The amounts itemized by fund and by department or office are hereby appropriated from the resources of each fund as follows: Board of Supervisors - $130,633.00; County Auditor - $221,375.00; County Treasurer - $197,963.00; County Attorney - $144,767.00; County Sheriff - $1,326,750.00; County Recorder - $161,140.00; County Nurse - $698,124.00; Homemaker Aide Service - $201,689.00; Capital Projects - $175,000.00; Chemical Dependency - $25,000.00; Engineer - $3,957,250.00; Veterans Affairs - $42,644.00; Conservation - $334,934.00; Weed Commissioner - $2,910.00; Sanitation - $47,285.00; Domestic Animal/Apiary - $1,200.00; Disaster Service Emergency - $59,182.00; Medical Examiner - $20,000.00; Emergency Medical Services - $8,876.00; Court Administration - $800.00; County Library - $98,959.00; Historical Society - $4,535.00; Fairgrounds - $34,000.00; Criminal Services - $500.00; Insurance - $192,130.00; Juvenile Justice - $20,000.00; General Services - $130,706.00; Data Processing - $251,200.00; IT/GIS - $85,182.00; Mental Health Administration - $900,000.00; Non-Departmental - $952,871.00; Organizations - $111,858.00; Planning & Zoning - $10,513.00; Sanitary Disposal - $88,440.00; Social Services - $20,502.00; Township Official - $700.00; Transit - $131,865.00; General Drainage - $4,100.00; Total = $10,795,583.00.

SECTION 2. Subject to the provisions of other county procedures and regulations, and applicable state law, the appropriations authorized under Section 1 shall constitute authorization for the department or officer listed to make expenditures or obligations from the itemized department effective July 1, 2010.

SECTION 3. In accordance with Section 331.437, Code of Iowa, no department or officer shall expend or contract to expend any money or incur any liability or enter into any contract which by its terms involves the expenditure of money for any purpose in excess of the amounts appropriated pursuant to this resolution.

SECTION 4. If at any time during the 2010-2011 budget year the auditor shall ascertain that the available resources of a department for that year will be less than said department’s total appropriations, he shall immediately so inform the board and recommend appropriate corrective actions.

SECTION 5. The Auditor shall establish separate accounts for the appropriations authorized in Section 1, each of which account shall indicate the amount of the appropriation, the amounts charged thereto, and the unencumbered balance.  The Auditor shall report the status of such accounts to the applicable departments and officers quarterly during the 2010-2011 budget year.

SECTION 6. All appropriations authorized pursuant to this resolution lapse at the close of business June 30, 2011.

The above and foregoing resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors in Worth County, Iowa, on July 6, 2010 by the following vote:

AYES: Creger, Haugen, & May                       NAYES: None             ABSENT:


Motion by Creger, second by May, carried to approve the FY10/11 salaries: Robert Aamodt-$18.61/hr; Kimberly Anderson-$32,377; Pamela Anderson-$35,857; Rick Anderson-$15.04/hr; Brett Backhaus-$40,036; Dean Bartusek-$18.61/hr; James Berg - $15.04/hr; Barbara Berge-$23,028; Dan Block-$40,202; Lisa Boeckholt-$15.04/hr; Richard Brumm-$85,000; Shane Buenzow-$34,237; Lynn Butler-$18.61/hr; Margie Butler-$15.55/hr; Shana Butler-$33,215; Lynn Chapin-$11.15/hr; Rick Christeson-$18.61/hr; Kay Clark-$44,968; Randy Crawford-$12.00/hr; Jeff Creger-$27,155; Kelli Dorsey-$41,041; Dan Fank-$47,287; Anne Gallion-$11.55/hr; Jeffrey Greve-$47,926; Andy Grunhovd - $38,942; Gary Hanson-$18.61/hr; Jacob Hanson-$44,968; James Hanson-$29,924; Patricia Hanson - $16.50/hr; Paula Harris-$15.63/hr; Susan Hartwig-$21,786; Dave Haugen - $27,672; Debra Hendrikson - $10.88/hr; Stephanie Hengesteg-$26,981; Jolene Hickle-$22,826; Tarah Hoiseth - $10.88/hr; Teri Horan-$15.60/hr; Cheryl Huebner-$38,256; Raymond Huftalin-$21.38/hr; James Hyde-$60,000; R. Michael Ingersoll-$15.04/hr; Patricia Jaspers-$15.04/hr; Teresa Johnson-$70,262; Amy Jorgensen-$32,377; Elizabeth Kenison-$44,968; Kristine Kirsch-$15.04/hr; Joseph Kuennen-$27,841; Jay Langenbau-$55,632 & $5,773; Michael Lee-$18.61/hr; Scott Lestrud-$18.61/hr; Jesse Luther-$45,276; Richard Mackin-$1,200; Dennis May-$27,155; Russell Meyer-$49,377; Sandra Mireles-$4,000; Dean Mueller-$50,785 & $1,200 & 15.45/hr; Diane Myli-$45,822; Ricky Oakland-$18.61/hr; Cory Oleson-$15.04/hr; Laurie Olsen-$11.82/hr; Tanya Olson - $15.04/hr; Teresa Olson-$37,324; Chelsey Ostrander-$15.04/hr; Jerry Parmley - $10.94/hr; Howard Patterson-$13.28/hr; Tammy Patterson-$14.34/hr; Joan Peterson-$34,208; Edie Prazak-$15.57/hr; Sarah Ranney-Bruce-$50,622; Daniel Reeder-$48,686; Jessica Reyerson - $34,016; Lyta Reyerson-$37,164; James Rice - $18.00/hr; Joel Rohne-$54,869; Sarah Rollins - $11.15/hr; Adam Sauer - $14,400; Denise Schacht-$11.55/hr; John Smith-$45,276; Patricia Sougstad - $16.00/hr; Marilyn Stayner-$15.04/hr; Brook Stein - $40,099; Jim Tanner-$11.15/hr; Allan Thompson-$11.15/hr; Michael Thompson-$22.84/hr; Emily Tufte-$9,512; Timothy Tuttle-$18.61/hr; Alan Venz-$29.14/hr; Barbara Walser-$38,223 & $11.55/hr; Ellen Wolff-$11.55/hr; Mark Wubben-$45,276; Chad Wurtzel-$45,276.


Motion by May, second by Creger, carried to approve the auditor & recorder quarterly reports.


The meeting adjourned until 9:00 A.M., July 12, 2010.


_______________________                                  ________________________                                                        Auditor                                                                      Chairperson