Worth County Conservation Board


March 4, 2010





Vice President Smith called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM.  Board members also present were Justin Faber, Troy Christiansen and Randy Sime.  Others present were Dave Stine and Dean Mueller.


Sime moved to approve the agenda.  Second by Christiansen.  Motion carried.


Faber moved to approve the minutes.  Second by Christiansen.  Motion carried.


Director’s report:


  1. The WCDA grant was submitted and waiting to hear back.
  2. Wiesert Precast will try and finish the rest room at KQ this month.
  3. The furnace in the shop went down and we have a new one ordered.  St. Ansgar Plumbing has not been here to install yet.  The office furnace is around 22 years old and will be next.
  4. The Director’s retreat was good with many topics discussed.  Most ideas brought up support the direction that the long range planning committee is headed.
  5. Still have not closed on the Wallin tract, should be next week if all works out.
  6. Hanson will be back to work next Monday.
  7. I will be attending ISAC this month for the spring school.
  8. Attended the annual fire line refresher course.  I also took the O&T training at extension.
  9. Will try and take bridge and wooden play equipment out of Worth Co. Lake this month, weather permitting.


Christiansen moved to accept the Director’s report.  Second by Sime.  Motion carried.


President Jeff Vansteenburg arrived at this time and took over the meeting from Vice President Smith.


The Director made some comments on behalf of the naturalist since he was home due to family illness.  The adult trip to the Eagle Center was a success.  13 adults went and the condenses was that they would like to go on another trip.  The Anchor did not get the adds into the paper until 2 weeks prior to the trip.


Smith moved to accept the naturalist report.  Second by Faber.  Motion carried.


Dave Stine gave a report on the Worth County Conservation Foundation.


The current cell phone contract was discussed along with the counties cell phone policy.  The Board decided that they could give a stipend to each employee for the same cost as the contract and then the employees would not have to worry about the county cell phone policy.  The county would no longer own and be responsible for the cell phones, that would be the responsibility of the employees.  Smith moved to provide a $20 per month stipend to all permanent full time employees providing that they maintain and carry q working cell phone that is used on county business.  Second by Sime.  Motion carried.


Smith moved to have the Director apply for a worker through Experience Works.  Second by Christiansen.  Motion carried.


Vansteenburg opened the mowing bids.  After discussion the issue was tabled until the Director could check on the issues of background checks and written safety policies.


Nobody was interested in attending the spring workshop at Neil Smith Wildlife Refuge.


Faber moved to pay the following bills:


Stockton Trout Farm


 $ 975.00



 $ 950.00

Alliant Energy


 $ 610.07

CNH Capital


 $ 552.65

St Ansgar Plbg & HtgInc


 $ 502.40

Worth County Engineer


 $ 318.25

North Country Eq. LLC


 $ 276.58

Heartland Power Coop


 $ 260.99

Truax company


 $ 102.00

Dean A Mueller


 $   92.94



 $   86.94

Fallgatters Market


 $   80.75



 $   79.95

Huber Supply Co. Inc


 $   75.00

Carquest Auto Parts


 $   45.01

City of Northwood


 $   17.00

Northwood Welding


 $   10.50

Ver Helst Snyder Drug


 $     3.29




Second by Sime.  Motion carried.


Meeting was adjourned at 8:21 PM.



Submitted by:                                                 Approved by:



_______________________________          _____________________________

Dean A Mueller                                              Jeff Vansteenburg

Director                                                          President